The motto of this new action of the organization “Who will suffer the most the abuse of the planet is not you” has resounded at CEU UCH campus of Castellón this past 10th February. The Cameroonian priest Marcel Bikongnuy Gham has been responsible for carrying the message behind the new campaign of Manos Unidas to the students gathered. Along with María Amparo Faulí, President Delegate of the organization in Castellón, he has put on the table the consequences of the climatic crisis for the most vulnerable populations of the planet.
The priest has condemned how the deterioration of the environment damages a great part of the population especially of that already in a situation of great vulnerability: “although we are all exposed to its consequences, the poorest communities are the ones suffering the most the impacts as their way of life and subsistence depends in many cases of a natural environment strongly affected by climatic change and ecologic crisis”.
Fighting against the humanitarian consequences of climatic change
As the Pope states in his Encyclical Laudato If our way of life, consumerism, power structure and culture of excesses causes the actual environmental damage with the subsequent social and human damage, poverty, diseases, hunger and suffering propagate through the world as biodiversity is destroyed, waters are polluted and extreme climatic events take place (hurricanes, floods, fires, droughts, etc.) affecting millions of people.
Therefore the new campaign of Manos Unidas denounces that the deterioration of the environment is the greatest threat to vulnerable people. The NGO outlines also that over 820 million people starve something that aggravates as a consequence of the climatic crisis.
The organization intends therefore to educate society to raise awareness on its key role to limit the consequences of environmental damage both to the natural environment and to the life of people.