Sitting at home at this point is hard for all of us. Whether you’re a school student living with your parents or a college student who had to rush back due to the pandemic, the coronavirus has definitely taken a toll on all our mental health. Here are a few things you should do if you still have loads of assignments but zero motivation to complete them:
- Fix your sleep cycle- This is so hard, I know. Wake up at regular time when everyone in your house, or near you is awake. You’ll wake up to the birds chirping, the sun shining bright and that will lift your spirits. Sleeping at 5am and waking up at 3pm works for us when it’s a holiday because those are times when your mind is completely relaxed. Working on the same schedule and expecting productivity from yourself however, is an unfair ask.
- Watch videos of parks, art museums, different countries- Think about the country you’ve been wanting to visit, Google some of their streets, I know you’re not allowed to travel but your mind definitely is. Take your mind to a country/ city where it might feel happy. A lot of galleries have also put their art online so sip on some tea or coffee and tour the world from your room.
- Use meditation apps- Apps like Insight timer and Headspace are the best to have on your phone in times like these. Wake up and listen to a 10min meditation for free. This will help you clear your headspace for the rest of the day and feel more energetic.
- Create a checklist- It is hard enough to keep track of assignments while you’re physically in school or college, making sure you know the deadlines, word limits and questions when you’re not there becomes, even harder. Keep tabs on all conversations about your studies and create a checklist. This way you know how much there is to do and how much time you have so that, you don’t feel lost later.
Tip– There is a difference between a checklist and a schedule. Creating a schedule might put too much pressure on you every day to complete tasks but with a checklist, you’ll know what needs to be done and can start with what you feel like doing that day.
- Read- While watching Netflix all day is way easier, reading any book will make you feel like you have accomplished something and get your body ready to take on that checklist.
Tip- For that matter, try to complete one activity in the morning. Whether this is reading a chapter, making your bed, cleaning your room, taking a shower or watering the plants, completing one simple activity in the morning will motivate you to do more.
- Talk to your friends/ family/ loved ones regularly- This is definitely the most important item on this list. Whenever you’re feeling unproductive, lazy or sad, call someone you love and talk to them. Ensure you don’t isolate yourself and always remember to reach out. For all you know that person has been waiting for your call all day and talking to you will brighten their day as well.
- Draw, paint, create- When you’re sitting on your bed in the evening, wondering what to do, pick up a brush or pencil and start creating! Use colouring books, paint on old bottles, draw your favourite cartoon character, get creative! It’s not necessary for it to be amazing as long as it makes you feel good. If you enjoy baking or cooking, you can try that too!
- Exercise- In the immortal words of Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy”! I know you’re probably tired of all the home-workouts you’ve seen on Instagram but a little bit of exercise is good to get your brain out of a funk. Try yoga, basic Pilates exercises, boxing moves, something fun and different that will make you feel more excited.
Tip– You can download the Nike training app or Puma’s app, both have loads of workouts that can be done by people at any level. Just remember, stay at home.
- Learn a new language– Now you might say, how? Well, download Duolingo, invest 15 mins of your day towards learning a new language every day for free! The app is easy to use and you can get more one language and practice whichever you want. Did I mention that it’s free?
- Take a break- If you’ve tried all this and you still feel unproductive, don’t force it. Maybe you need some time and rest. If your body needs 10hrs of sleep, perhaps there’s a reason? Take care of yourself, give yourself a break, sit in your balcony doing nothing. Not constantly demanding productivity from yourself is acceptable and could possibly lift your spirits.
Finally, whatever you do, ensure it is what you want to do. Spend these weeks getting to know yourself and doing things you’ve been putting off due to a lack of time. If you’re worrying about the future, remember we’re all in this together and we can survive anything. Also remember to be kind, there are a lot of people who need help right now, so donate to the right causes and make sure you’re doing your part. Before I end this, I would also say, number 3), 6) and 10) really are important so if nothing else, focus on these and you’ll be just fine.